Script/Director/Editor: Dovid Loew
Production: LoweFilm/BramGoth Prods., L.L.C.
Format: 35mm Color & B/W 6 hours (estimated length)
Language versions: English, German
An epic film documentary on history's darkest chapter - the Holocaust as seen in this six hour motion picture tracing the origins and ultimate destruction of European Jewry as seen from rare, and in many cases lost archival footage depicting the last Jewish communities in Europe, including the ghettos of Poland - Warsaw, Lodz and Lublin. This documentary presentation is one of the most unique on the controversial subject matter as it takes the viewer on a first-person virtual visit to the period and is interactive, which is unique in this genre. The director hired film researchers to scour the film archives of the world, including but not limited to state archives, museums, and even obscure film collections, once thought both unobtainable and unapproachable. Although much of the body of the production is based on actual historical film material, the filmmaker filmed present-day footage of both the ghettos and the Nazi killing centers of Poland during 2018, which is both contrasted and juxtaposed with "reality" footage of the "Shoah," which is Hebrew for "Whirlwind." Completeed.